Financial Empowerment: History/Generational Trauma (video)

The 2020 Park Hill Financial Empowerment Program is in its pilot stage and is the culmination of work in Community Voice, Community Leadership, and Community Action. To learn more about the program, read the plan here: Park Hill Financial Empowerment Program Plan.

The action committee registered and enrolled 10 Trusted Community Members as trainees in the program and held the second session of the program on August 19th. The sessions are being recorded for public viewing. Click the link below to stream the video on YouTube.

Module 1: Psychology, History, and Trauma - Expert Presenters: Diversity Dynamics/Metro Deep and The Financial Health Institute

Session 2: History/Generational Trauma

If you would like additional information regarding the 2020 Park Hill Financial Empowerment Program, click here or contact Daniel Archuleta at or 720-580-0198.


Child Development and Remote Learning Support - Learning Pods Project


Financial Empowerment: Our Individual & Collective WHY (video)