Youth Employment Services Forum

On Friday, October 25, 2019 Park Hill Collective Impact hosted a Youth Employment Services Forum. It was by and for youth employment service providers (services had to be available to Park Hill residents). The objective was to create a space and opportunity for the providers to learn, share, and network in order to better support Park Hill youth.

The event kicked off at Prodigy Coffeehouse for a pre-event networking opportunity. Then, after moving to PHCI, the forum got underway. Fifteen individuals/organizations attended the event. Each presenter was allotted 5 minutes to say who they are, who they are with, who they serve, and what youth employment services they provide. After the forum, presenters and attendees were encouraged to network and exchange information.

In the afternoon, PHCI hosted the very first Park Hill Walk. Six community members and service providers joined PHCI and Walk2Connect as they walked and talked about youth employment in Park Hill. They walked from Holly Square to the Park Hill Commons development area on Fairfax.

Based on the results collected from exit tickets, the event was a success! 91% of attendees were Very Satisfied/Satisfied, and 100% of attendees would recommend/attend a forum in the future.

Providers were excited to discover the youth employment services available to Park Hill residents, and many were surprised at the great breadth and depth of services. They celebrated the opportunity to learn about other youth employment services and the opportunity to network. Many commented that the knowledge gained at the forum will better enable them to support the youth of Park Hill.

Some providers commented that there were few to no employment services or employment opportunities for 15/16-year-olds, and many providers indicated the desire to host an informational forum for youth. PHCI is working with partners on these actionable take-aways. Stay tuned for further information!

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#ParkHillTalks - Pauline Robinson Library


General Operations Grant from the Margulf Foundation