Public Safety Youth Leadership Team - Safe City Youth Summit


For the past 24 years the Public Safety Youth Leadership Team (PSYLT) has planned, organized ,and coordinated The Summit. The Summit’s agenda and workshops are developed, coordinated, and implemented by a 14-member team comprised of youth between the ages of 13 to 18 years of age. PSYLT is a youth run organization dedicated to improving the leadership skills of Denver’s youth while supporting and improving the community. The Summit’s mission is to create a safe forum for youth to discuss, address, and implement an ongoing youth partnership within the community. The summit event features a Keynote Speaker, roundtable discussion, interactive workshops on the latest hot topics as identified by the PSYLT, youth entertainment, DJ, breakfast/lunch and giveaways including scholarships.


Park Hill Collective Impact was invited to talk on a workshop round table about how to included community voice in collecting data around the recent curfew reform actions taking place in their community. The workshop was called “#CURFEW, REALLY.” PHCI sat on a panel with Denver Chief of Police - Paul Pazen, Department of Public Safety - Michael Sapp, and Public Safety Youth Programs - Pat Hendrick. This was a result of presenting the PHCI curfew survey findings and continuing the conversation that was started to have consistent messaging and to educate students and parents on curfew laws.


2019 Collective Impact Convening


#ParkHillTalks - House of Hair Barbershop - Part 4