#ParkHillTalks - Northeast Denver Islamic Center
We host #ParkHillTalks in places that people feel comfortable to share their experiences and stories. These are often places that people already congregate regularly.
In a mosque, conversations occur about community. It’s a place that people return to on a regular basis to not only to worship, but also to develop friendships, talk about what’s impacting their lives, and ultimately building community.
#ParkHillTalks have unofficially been occurring in places like Northeast Denver Islamic Center for as long as the neighborhood has existed. Bringing the structure of community organizing to the barbershop helps provide the platform to turn the conversations to action.
September 17, 2019
9 attendees
Key topics
New development in the neighborhood
Changing neighborhood dynamics
Affordable housing
Development that is an asset to the community
Residential displacement
Attendees agreed that it was time to take action and to work alongside developers with community, to voice their wants for new development, and bring more community voice into the conversation.