DMCI Featured on KGNU
DMCI was featured on a segment of the Metro show on KGNU (88.5 FM in Boulder and 1390 AM) every week during the month of February.
Darcie Ezell
Community Action Program Manager
Darcie shares the history of the collective impact process DMCI has created.
She appeared on the show on February 2nd. Click here to view the entire episode.
James Roy
Executive Director
James shares a macro view of DMCI’s work and programs, history, and coalition building story.
He appeared on the show on February 9th. Click here to view the entire episode.
Brandon Pryor
Far Northeast Coordinator
Dane Washington, Sr
Near Northeast Coordinator
Dane Sr and Brandon share their combined story of why and how they do community engagement as Community Site Coordinators.
They appeared on the show on February 16th. Click here to view the entire episode.