Financial Education Action Committee Meeting #8-9

Action Committees are partner-driven action-oriented meetings that focus on the details of creating systemic change in the neighborhood.

The action committee follows a continuous improvement process that will result in the implementation of evidence-based strategies, designed to eliminate financial education root causes, in Park Hill. Action committee members consist of individuals who Live, Learn, Work, Play, or Worship in Park Hill.

Over the two meetings/two weeks, the action committee worked hard to push into implementation. The committee approved weekly meetings for 45 minutes, held on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM; this decision was informed by the results from a PHCI hosted Google poll.

The committee tasked PHCI to develop and launch an informal RFP to recruit expert trainers. The committee was updated on the results and tasked PHCI to contact the experts and coordinate a brainstorming session between them as a first step in creating an educational program in Park Hill. The expert brainstorming meeting is scheduled for June 18th, 1-2 PM.

The committee developed and finished the Trainee (Trusted Community Members) Recruitment Plan and approved the following trainee recruitment message: “You have been identified as a trusted, community member who works, lives, plays, worships, and/or learns in Northeast Park Hill. Northeast Park Hill is experiencing a systemic economic crisis that requires an urgent human-centered response by and for the community. You may ask how can I help? The short answer is to get involved. You can get involved by: 1) attending personal and business financial workshops on topics like Budgeting/Accounting and Personal/Business banking, and 2) using the knowledge and resources from the workshops to further empower your network of individuals and small businesses. We invite you to help us build an economically prosperous Park Hill.”

The committee decided that we would pursue blended learning modalities including in-person, video, and asynchronous, online workshops. They agree that any sophisticated online requirements must be made available by the providers. The committee conceptualized a program consisting of 10-15 sessions in 3 units. The units should focus on - 1) Financial psychology, history, and trauma, and how to approach financial topics in a traumatized community; 2) Personal finance; and 3) Business finance. Each session should be 30-45 minutes.

The committee tasked PHCI with seeking sponsorship to fund the program. The next steps are to 1) secure funding, 2) secure expert trainers, 3) set curriculum, 4) set the schedule, 5) finalize recruitment plan, and 6) plan logistics.

At the next meeting, the action committee will receive updates. If you would like to join the action committee, please contact Daniel Archuleta at or 720-580-0198. Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 2:00-2:45 PM, via Hangouts


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