Kicking Off the Financial Education Action Committee

Action Committees are partner-driven action oriented meetings that focus on the details of creating systemic change in the neighborhood.

On Wednesday, February 12th, the Financial Education Action Committee held their kick-off event at Park Hill Collective Impact. The action committee will follow a continuous improvement process over the next few months that will result in the implementation of evidence-based strategies, designed to eliminate financial education root causes, in Park Hill.

This collective work is responding directly to the community call for action, voiced during several #ParkHillTALKS held in 2019. The need for education in budgeting, banking, building/maintaining good credit, first-time home buying, community wealth, and estate/inheritance planning were consistently brought-up in community discussions.

Action committee members consist of individuals who Live, Learn, Work, Play, or Worship in Park Hill. This work will have a collective impact, by and for the community, with the shared vision to create A Community That Is Thriving, Not Just Surviving. If you would like to support our action, please contact Daniel Archuleta at or 720-580-0198.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th, at 9:30 AM at Park Hill Collective Impact.


Financial Education Action Committee Meeting #2


#ParkHillTalks - 2019 in Review