Denver SafeNite Curfew Program - Community Dialogue and Curfew Update


Park Hill Collective Impact took the data from the curfew survey that was collected and put a PowerPoint presentation together to present to Department of Safety executives and decision makers. Recommendations provided as part of the presentation were to have a consistent time across the board to lessen confusion, communicate accurate information to students and parents, collaborate with community organizations to continue conversations about curfew, and to have consistent messaging. This sparked a continued conversation to include community voice and to look more closely at messaging and education around curfew.


Park Hill Collective Impact supported Denver Public Schools, whom hosted a community dialogue with youth at STRIVE-Prep SMART, a school in southwest Denver in the Harvey Park neighborhood. Youth took time out of their weekend to learn about curfew and develop recommendations to better educate students and parents. Some of the recommendations that came out of this workgroup were to provide late night drop in centers and more pro-social activities during curfew hours, utilize curfew vans to transport kids home, and the need to develop an alternate way to hold youth to prevent the trauma of handcuffing.


Denver Police Department reviewed patrolling policies to ensure curfew vans were patrolling all parts of the city. This has reduced the number of citations in some areas of the city that have traditionally seen a higher number of citations issued and has increased the number of citations in other areas. The overall number of citations is down compared with the same timeframe in 2018. Continued conversations with community are still a priority and the actual curfew ordinance will be updated through city counsel.

Curfew Citations per Summer (2018 & 2019)

Denver Department of Safety, 2019

Denver Population by Race, Children under 18 years

US Census 2017

Summer 2018 Curfew Citations by Race

Denver Department of Safety, 2018

Summer 2019 Curfew Citations by Race

Denver Department of Safety, 2019


#ParkHillTalks - House of Hair Barbershop - Part 6


1st Annual One Park Hill - PHNEE