Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Education

The Greater Park Hill neighborhood has a long history as a leader in the fight against discrimination in housing and schools. Beginning in the 1950’s, neighborhood leaders like Art and Bea Branscombe and Rachel Noel organized to oppose redlining in the housing market and segregation in the schools.

Today we face many of the same issues of gentrification and segregation in our neighborhood. Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education (PHNEE) is a group of concerned parents, neighbors, and community members working together to address current inequities in our neighborhood elementary schools and to inspire a revitalization of community leadership on these issues.

On January 27th, PHNEE hosted a community event featuring presentations from community leaders, Nita Mosby-Tyler (Chief Catalyst at The Equity Project) and Alan Gottlieb (co-founder of Chalkbeat, and owner of Write.Edit.Think.LLC) on the current state of Park Hill’s neighborhood schools.

Over 150 community members united to discuss the issues facing the community in small groups, beginning the much needed conversation on the state of the schools.


In the News: Denver Post - “Raising White Kids,” by Denver Public Schools grad, confronts thorny subject for students, parents: white privilege