DEDO/NEST Community Navigators
DEDO/NEST Community Navigators Program
Project Status and Background
The City and County of Denver, Department of Economic Development Opportunity (DEDO), Neighborhood Equity & Stabilization (NEST) Community Navigators Program is designed for our most vulnerable residents and businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19 in the Northeast Park Hill and Montbello neighborhoods. The program is a collaborative approach to include stakeholders, community partners, services providers, and businesses.
The program will increase equitable access to available resources for residents experiencing economic crisis, particularly those at risk of losing their housing. The pandemic has resulted in unprecedented levels of unemployment, particularly for those working in the service industries, putting our hard-working residents at risk for displacement.
Government programs exist to provide relief to our at-risk residents, but the application process can be challenging for some to navigate, and the eligibility requirements may be written in such a way that make it difficult for the average consumer to understand. NEST wants to ensure that residents who live in neighborhoods vulnerable to displacement are provided the technical assistance and language support they need to access all available financial support.
DMCI is required to manage and collaborate with other stakeholders to ensure many voices are captured, while establishing new relationships that bring forth needs and services. As the administrator of this program, DMCI will serve as the umbrella organization, overseeing grassroots community navigators, while serving as the fiscal administrator.
July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Assist 60 individuals/households in completing applications for emergency assistance programming
Hold 50 Community Dialogues (8-12 participants at each)
Hold 60 1-on-1 Conversations
Provide community outreach in vulnerable communities via multiple channels to 500 individuals/households
Community Navigators
Community Navigators are community leaders or organizations with established ties to our most vulnerable residents in Northeast Park Hill and Montbello. They are organizations who have a history of empathic, caring and/or providing services. Navigators will work to assist residents and micro-to small business owners in surmounting the systemic barriers they face in applying for economic support, services and resources. These barriers range from technological, to language/cultural, to complexity of applications and services.
The Navigators will work to assist residents in surmounting the systemic barriers they face in applying for economic support, particularly in the area of housing. These barriers may include technologic, language, cultural, or complexity.
Dialogue Circles
Community Dialogue Circles are structured to increase equity by providing intentionally smaller (typically 8-12 participants) and more comfortable settings for residents and community members to participate, lending their personal experiences, thoughts, and desires regarding the project. In addition, the Circles intend to amplify the voices of those in the community that are systemically oppressed and not typically heard in public processes.
The Dialogue Circles are designed with the intent to outlast this project, giving DEDO/NEST and others seeking community-led approaches a well of leadership and voice to draw from, as the Circles will be owned and sustained by the community. This platform provides community members opportunities to engage in the work deeper while collecting community voice, defining success, and recognizing community leaders.
1-on-1 Conversations
To provide even more equitable platforms for galvanizing, Community Advocates will lead 1-on-1 Conversations throughout the community. This engagement method gives community members a chance to voice their opinions, experiences, and desires for the project, regardless of potential aversions to group meeting dynamics or availability to attend.
Closing the Feedback Loop
DMCI will close the feedback loop by sending any DEDO/NEST recommendations, collateral, and decisions back out to the community through the Community Advocates.
Data Processing
To support the work of organizational and individual community leaders as Community Advocates, DMCI has been tasked to handle the data synthesis, analysis, and reporting. DMCI also serves as an administrative and strategy backbone organization to the ongoing efforts.
Reports (Coming Soon)
For additional information on this project, please contact Ana Gadson, Community Voice Program Manager, at Ana@dmcimpact.org or 720-460-0045.